Privacy Policy

Dear customer, we inform you that pursuant to articles. 13 and 14 of EU Regulation, No. 679/2016, you have the right to be informed about the purposes and methods with which the data will be processed by the company MXC srl hereinafter the “Data Controller” with registered office in Via Pisacane n.2 and operational in Viale Campania n.39 Milan 20133.

Personal data will be processed to manage every aspect relating to the stipulated contract or pre-contractual measures implemented at the request of the interested parties. In particular, the Data Controller will process personal data to plan and implement the advertising campaigns agreed with the Customer. Among the aspects indicated above, we remember those relating to the accounting, administrative and legal aspects governed by the respective reference regulations. For the purposes of the judicial protection of the owner’s rights, the legal basis of the processing is legitimate interest.


By virtue of the type of commercial relationship in existence or potentially in existence, the Data Controller will not become aware of “special data” of customers; however, if the Data Controller becomes aware of such data during the contractual relationship, these will be processed in accordance with the provisions of the art. 9 of Reg. 9 of EU Reg. 679/2016.

We remind you that special data means personal data capable of revealing racial and ethnic origin, religious, philosophical or other beliefs, political opinions, membership of parties, trade unions, associations or organizations of a religious or philosophical nature. , political or trade union, personal data suitable for revealing the state of health and sexual life, genetic and biometric data.


Your data are processed by adequately trained employees appointed as authorized and/or designated for the processing of common data and may be communicated to “external” data processors such as: accountant for administrative, accounting and tax purposes, law firm for the management of any litigation practices, systems engineer and IT manager for the maintenance of IT systems and backup management.


The Data Controller informs that the personal data provided by you are not transferred to third countries, but that if the processing activities must be transferred to a third country this will take place according to the methods requested and indicated in Chapter V of European Regulation no. 679/2016.


Your data is stored by the Data Controller for the period necessary for the processing activity and subsequently to fulfill the accounting and tax obligations resulting from the processing and in compliance with current legislation.


Pursuant to the articles. from 15 to 22 of the EU Reg., n. 679/2016, you may exercise, by way of example, at any time the right to access data, to rectify, to cancel, to limit, to portability, to object, as well as to be informed about the processing carried out through automated decision-making processes relating to the person, to the natural person, including profiling. You can exercise these rights by directly contacting our email address

We also remind you that you have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority. (